We proudly support our two chosen charities

McGrath Foundation
McGrath Foundation raises money to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities across Australia. These wonderful nurses assist the woman diagnosed with breast cancer deal with the emotional side and physical aspects of the illness as well as the families affected. We have created two of our new liquid waste service trucks to be branded black and pink to raise awareness for this very important charity and to publicly display our support and ongoing commitment to this charity.

Starlight Children’s Foundation is a not for profit organisation for hospitalised children and their families. Starlight programs offer entertainment, education and technology to critically, chronically and terminally ill children. These programs are provided directly to children through Starlight’s network of children’s hospitals and other community health partners throughout Australia.
In addition to our two charities we choose to support, we also sponsor numerous local sporting clubs, smaller charity organisations and church groups within our local communities. We are committed to the improvement of our local community groups through sponsorships as our business continues to grow.